Centralized Distributed and Coalitional Model Predictive Control
Wednesday 6 June 2018, h. 18
Almo Collegio Borromeo – Sala Multimediale
José M. Maestre Torreblanca
Systems and Automation Department Higher Technical School of Engineering – University of Seville
presented by
Lalo Magni
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering University of Pavia
Davide Raimondo
Associate Professor ICDS Lab – Faculty of Engineering University of Pavia
The lecture will be held in english.
Model predictive control (MPC) has become of the most popular control techniques due its flexibility. Issues such as constraints on the control problem variables, delays in the system dynamics, and multiple objectives can be handled explicitly in the MPC framework. The evolution of computer, information and communication technologies has motivated the application of MPC to problems beyond its scope years ago and the development multiple noncentralized MPC approaches. The goal of this talk is to present a coherent and easily accessible overview regarding model predictive control and some of the latest developments regarding its application to systems of systems, including topics such as coalitional control and cybersecurity.