University of Pavia (Italy) June 10TH – 11th 2021 3 Sessions on blended modality
To join the conference: https://tinyurl.com/cdn-lookingforward21
June 10th, 3.00 PM (Italian time)
Opening Remarks
Chair: Gianni Vaggi, Director of the Cooperation and Development Network
Francesco Svelto, Rector of the University of Pavia
Antonella Forlino, Prorector of internationalization, President of the Center for Global
Strategic Engagement (GLOBEC)
Br. Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University
Luca Maestripieri, Director of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS)
June 10th, 3.30-5.30 PM (Italian Time)
Session 1: the challeange of the Education for Sustainable
Keynote speeches
Chair: Ilaria Poggiolini, professor of International Relations, University of Pavia
Stefania Giannini, UNESCO Assistant Director General for Education
Pierluigi Sacco, Director of the OECD Venice Office on Culture and Development
With the special participation of:
Timothy Mtambo, Minister of Civic Education and National Unity, Malawi
Round Table Discussion
Laura Carraro, Director Area Africa, CISP Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei
Promoting economic empowerment and social inclusion of young people through culture.
CISP’s experience
Nico Lotta, president of VIS – Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo
Higher Education and CSOs. The Role of VIS at Bethlehem University – Palestine
Rodolfo Pasinetti, Head of mission in Bolivia, COOPI – Cooperazione Internazionale
Strengthening cultural heritage of Uru-Chipaya community (Bolivia) in the frame of
sustainable development goals
June 11th, 10 – 12.30 AM (Italian Time)
Session 2: Cultures and Development
Culture and Agenda 2030
Bridging cultures: the role of capitals of culture
Keynote speech
Chair: Giorgio Andrian, Project Manager, UNESCO Candidacy of Padova Urbs Picta
Paola Dubini, Professor of Management of Cultural Industries and Institutions, Bocconi
Roundtable discussion
Anton Salman, Mayor of Bethlehem Municipality
Federico Pizzarotti, Mayor of Parma Municipality
How EU capital of culture goes beyond the borders
Klemen Miklavic, Mayor of Nova Gorica Municipality
Rodolfo Ziberna, Mayor of Gorizia Municipality
June 11th, 3.00-5.00 PM (Italian Time)
Session 3: Cultural Heritage and Development
Keynote speeches
Chair: Luigi Bisceglia, Regional Program Coordinator for the Middle East at VIS
Rita Gonelli, Senior expert in cultural heritage and development, MAECI-AICS
Strategies of intervention on cultural heritage and development in the Palestinian
Territories, a focus on the last 30 years.
Giammarco Piacenti, Chairman Piacenti Spa
Restaurare il Cielo. The extraordinary restoration of the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem
Round Table Discussion
Sandro Parrinello, Professor of Architecture and Director of DAda Lab, University of Pavia
3D Bethlehem: Management and Control of the Urban Growth for the development of the
Heritage and the improvement of life in Bethlehem City
Osama Hamdan, Architect and Chairman of the Mosaic Centre, Jericho
Small steps for social, cultural, and economic development in a land of conflict through
cultural Heritage
June 11th, 5.00 – 6.00 PM (Italian Time)
Closing Remarks
The voices of the CDN students – Master in Cooperation and Development in Pavia
Andrea Canneti, Sergio Donati, Chiara Graldi, Daisy Lama, Simone Radicioli,
Riccardo Sacco, Alice Salvadego, Andrea Settanni
Rethinking Education Through a SDGs Based Approach
Final Event – Degree awarding ceremony for the students of the 23° cohort
Chaired by: Hellas Cena, Pro-Rector for Third Mission, University of Pavia