Easter 2021

Easter 2021

Pasqua 2021

Easter is a Hebrew word which means “passage”.
Easter is when we accept that life is made up of passages, changes, deaths and resurrections. When we consider the passage as a way of life, consuming the days with “girded hips, sandals on, stick in hand” (Ex 12: 11), days that are consumed in camps, ready to be dismantled to leave, to make a new step, never once and for all. Always on the way, from migration to migration, from rebirth to rebirth.
Easter is when we accept to be passing and we choose to set along with all things in order to see a new sunrise.
When we don’t feel eternal and we don’t fill life with false reassurance.

«Whatever the world wants to take from you, even if it is the most beloved thing;
whatever may happen to you in life;
even if men turned away from you inddifferently
or turn against you with hostility,
console yourself, since love remains»

S. Kierkegaard

Easter teaches us that everything passes. Everything except “one thing that will never end” (1 Cor 13: 8).
Everything passes, even this difficult moment.
Only Love will remain.
Then it will finally be Easter

Alberto Lolli
