Collegio Borromeo

23-1 Master in Cooperation and Development, thesis presentation

Master in Cooperation and Development
CDN Paper Competition 2017 and Graduation Ceremony

January 23rd, Collegio Borromeo
Piazza del Collegio Borromeo, 9, PAVIA


Gianni Vaggi Coordinator UNESCO UNITWIN Network on International Cooperation and Development
Maura Viezzoli Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli – CISP

Allan Kinuthia Kenyatta University, Nairobi
“Access to Devolved Human Development Services by Poor Households in Kipipiri constituency of Nyandarua County, Kenya”

Suha Handal Bethlehem University
Women in Palestine: The role of women in political, social and economic development.”

Naira Harutyunyan IUSS and University of Pavia
“Making Green And Pro Poor Investments: The Case of Kenya”


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