CAS Workshop 2017
Pavia, Almo Collegio Borromeo
March 20th – 21st
IEEE Circuits and Systems Society outrech initiative is glad to promote a 2-days workshop on microelectronics and its applications. The lecturers, selected among leading experts from academia and industry, will provide a systematic and thorough review of the state of the art integrated circuits and systems design. Each topic will be covered by about one and an half hour talk, as it is adequate to provide both an overview and a better insight of advanced details. The presentations will be taught in English.
Monday March 20th
08:30 Opening
Invited Lecture
Monday, 20/03/2017, 09:00 to 10:30
Continuous Time Sigma Delta Modulators and VCO ADC’s
Prof. P. Rombouts
University of Gent (BE)
Invited Lecture
Monday, 20/03/2017, 11:00 to 12:30
Mostly-Digital Phase Locked Loops
Prof. S. Levantino
Politecnico di Milano (IT)
Invited Lecture
Monday, 20/03/2017, 14:00 to 16:00
Recent advancements in ultra-low power RF circuits and Wave-shaping in RF oscillators
Prof. B. Staszewski
University College Dublin (IE)
Tuesday March 21st
Invited Lecture
Tuesday, 21/03/2017, 09:00 to 10:30
Silicon Retina Technology
Prof. T. Delbruck
Institute for Neuroinformatic Zurich (CH)
Invited Lecture
Tuesday, 21/03/2017, 11:00 to 12:30
5G mm-Wave Circuits and Systems for Wireless Communication, Sensing and Imaging
Prof. D. Zito
Aarhus University (DK)
Invited Lecture
Tuesday, 21/03/2017, 14:00 to 15:30
LDO application and design requirements
Dr. C. Fiocchi
AMS Italy (IT)
Invited Lecture
Tuesday, 21/03/2017, 15:30 to 16:30
Title to be defined
Dr. D. Rossi
STMicroelectronics (IT)
16:30 Workshop Closing
The participation to IEEE Circuit and System Society workshop is free. However, because the classrooms have limited occupancy, the maximum number of participants will be 50. For more information, take a look at the workshop website
Make your reservation at your earliest convenience by sending an e-mail to: casws2017 @
photo credit: ClevrCat Loved the wall of the Austin Coding Academy yesterday. I via photopin(license)