How to access

The Board of Directors annually announces the number of places available for students in the first and second year of a three-year or single-cycle master’s degree, and for the first year of a master’s degree.


The competition is divided into two disciplinary oral tests and a further oral test with the Collegio’s Direction. The Board of Directors will evaluate the qualifications. Only candidates who obtain an overall mark higher than 60/80 are eligible for a spot at the Collegio.


There are four different rankings:

  • one ranking reserved for candidates in Medicine and Surgery and Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics in Italian and for the degree course in Medicine and Surgery in English
  • one ranking for candidates of the first year of degree courses in Human Sciences and Social Sciences
  • one ranking for candidates of the first year of degree courses in Science and Technology
  • one ranking for candidates of the second year of the degree course


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